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Why Narcissism And Severe Insecurity Can Look The Same

Narcissism and severe insecurity are two sides of the same coin, often indistinguishable to the outside world.

When you're drowning in self-doubt, your desperate attempts to stay afloat can look like self-absorption to others.

While others seem to effortlessly manage life, you're stuck questioning your worth. This video breaks down why you might be stuck in this confusing cycle.

The Mirror Paradox

I often felt like a fraud, obsessively checking my reflection out of fear of hidden flaws. What seemed like vanity was actually deep insecurity.

This misinterpretation isn't just about mirrors. It extends to various aspects of your life:

  1. Seeking validation: Reading every comment or review about your work might seem like fishing for compliments. In truth, you're desperately trying to silence the voice in your head that says you're worthless.

  2. Empathy overload: Sometimes, not caring too much can make you appear cold and distant. When you're overwhelmed by others' emotions, shutting down might be your only coping mechanism.

  3. Pride vs. self-affirmation: There's a fine line between healthy self-appreciation and superiority. Learning to acknowledge your achievements without comparing yourself to others is crucial for mental health.

The Empty Auditorium

Here's a hard truth: 95% of the time, you're playing to an empty auditorium. Most of your daily struggles and victories go unnoticed by others. This is especially true for those battling mental health issues, addiction, or self-harm.

The only person who truly sees your continuous effort is YOU. That's why it's crucial to learn how to be your own cheerleader.

Breaking the Cycle

If you've spent your life hating yourself, even the smallest shift towards self-acceptance can feel uncomfortable. You might worry that you're becoming narcissistic.

But positive reinforcement is essential for growth. Practice self-compassion by acknowledging your struggles and victories, and redefine pride as healthy self-esteem, not superiority. Be your own judge, and celebrate small wins, knowing most of your battles are unseen by others.

- Scott 


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  • For those suffering with depression and feeling unseen and helpless, I wrote this for you - because I was you.   



Are you a gamer? Check out this mobile video game scientifically proven to help with symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

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